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28 September 2018

Asynchronous Python Part 2


Second post in this series. as mentioned, our use case will be the same across the different tests:

What is being tested?

Note: Things may seem complicated for no good reason - It’s on purpose to better see the performance differentiation.

We will see the completion of the following actions (as one):

Test #2 - Asynchronous

Gist here

So what did we change?

Remember that in general there are 3 types of awaitables in general - coroutines, tasks, and futures.

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Here we create the event loop - this is where the tasks runs coroutines.


When a task awaits completion, the event loop knows that and schedule to run other stuff in the meanwhile. Notice that we created a special function "orchestrator()" (below) that will actually create the tasks - we then run it until completion.

async def orchestrator():

    url = ''
    ifile = "robots.html"

    tasks = []
    for _ in range(1, 50 + 1):
    for task in tasks:
        resp = await task
        html_content = await html_that(resp)
        await io_save(ifile, html_content)
        await clean_up(ifile)

We are using the create_task() to wrap the coroutine into a task and schedule execution, then - we await on each of the tasks to finish.


Deleting file: robots.html
Wrapping with <html>
Opening file: robots.html
Deleting file: robots.html
'main'  finished in 0.53s

0.53 seconds! that’s 32 times faster with the cost of very minor added complexity.

In the next post we will try to spice things up using threads and process pool executors, in addition to asyncio.
